„Developed at the Humboldt University in Berlin under the direction of Dr. Thomas A. Frank.“

A model for every age

The 180 Degree Model is a model thats relevant for every age. With different methods of treatment and therapy we’re solving problems and overcoming challenges that occur over the course of every life. 

The model is applicable for 100 percent of our society. It’s not only about the obvious need for therapy a lot of people encounter from time to time because of traumatic situations or the like – it’s also the undisputable value of preemtive treatment that shows: Everyone benefits from the 180 Degree Model. 

The 3-field matrix

Before we begin working together there are a few questions we need to answer. The first one: What does the client wish to change, in other words, where is the need of the client?

The second question is about skill: What is the client already able to do and what is he willing to learn in order to advance?

The third and maybe most important question: What values and ideals will be the foundation of his or her change? What does he stand for?

Afterwards we analyze the connection between these three fundamentals. When we look at the need and skill we can conclude the personal benefit. Skills and values form pride and contentment while values combined with the needs (the goals) of the client form a certain meaning of life and work. 

The 4-field matrix

Everything you do in your life can be categorized in one of these four quadrants. Two of them are pretty self-explanatory. If you do the right things well, you’ll reach your goals. Whereas if you’re working on the wrong projects and tasks and also do it poorly, you’re wasting your time. If those two categories describe your life or your work, you typically know it. It gets more difficult with the other two quadrants because here your mistakes are not so obvious. If you do things that make sense, make you money for example, but you do a bad job, you might be slower but you don’t have to „fail“ necessarily. Sometimes we might not even know how long a task should take because of lack of experience. So it might take a while to detect your errors. 

Even more fatal: You might be doing the wrong things but are doing them extremely well. Here it’s completely impossible to reach your goals but you might not recognize it because you’re moving so fast. 

The 20-field matrix

These 20 modules were initially designed and developed to coach and consult executives and entrepreneurs at the Malik Management Centre St. Gallen. With this matrix you can analyze behavior in a structured and scientific manner. The most important field is by far the last one on the bottom right: If you don’t measure by results, you might as well not measure at all. 

The dark blue fields explain the duties of every executive to themselves work effectively inside the organization. 

The following brown fields are opportunities for executives to increase the efficiency in their area of influence inside the organization. 

The beige fields show additional means and ways they can use and should think about regularly.